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Nice game, when will release on steam????? 


The demo is on Steam currently, but the full game will launch in the spring on both itch and steam


This game was one of the scariest games I've played seriously. Feel free to check out the video! Thanks in advance i appreciate you (lmk if you came from itch in the comments😄!)

Thank you for playing! I’m glad you had a good time :D

Thank you for your hard work and dedication! I'm sure being a solo developer is not easy and this game so far from the demo is amazing and scared the hell outta me a lot😂. can't wait to play the full game whenever its ready , wish you the best upon release😊!





LOL I got a Community guideline strike because of your game on Youtube. Did a screen grab of the dude on the cabinet that they thought he was nude xD anyway I have a new thumbnail, and I loved the game. 


LOL someone else had a thumbnail where they put a smiley face over his crotch. I thought they had made a pron parody. Silly youtube.


Well it's good they took back the warning. which is good but it was funny when they did that. 


Pros and cons are down below) 

Check out my vid here:


1. Even scarier than the previous demo! It gets only better and better. I can clearly see that the developer knows how to manipulate player's points of attention to sneak in the best and the most unpredictable scares. Moreover, what's amazing is that the scares script is flexible (I mean that I played through the game 3 times and each time I saw some new scares I didn't notice before and they were happening at a different time). That's incredible cause that leaves so much replayability value.

2. Secrets. I LOVE how the demo hints that there will be so much more to the game. Can't wait to see what the actual night shift is going to look like.

3. Detailed facility. It's so nice to see how much thought was put into that building. So many things to interact with. It's just so refreshing to have multiple items that you can use instead of looking for 1 scalpel like other games do.


1. Well, it's very obvious that thought the building is very detailed, the outside space looks very empty and boring. I wish it would get some more attention and would hold some secrets too.

2. The main character's reaction to what's happening doesn't make sense at all. I know that this demo is a teaser and it takes the story out of the context but still. Why can't you just nope the frick out of that place. The dedication of tha main character, damn.


LOVE IT. Can't wait for the full release! I'd rate is as the demo 9.2 mortuary assistants / 10.

Hope my feedback was useful both to the players and developers!

Great job!


Both 1 and 2 are addressed in the main game. There is a reason she can’t leave though I do plan to have a system that will change her delivery of lines depending on how recent a spooky event happened. We’ll see what I can churn out. Depends on my ability to pay voice actors beyond what I need for the project to be done.

Outside is getting more stuff and there will be game-play out there. Just wasn’t necessary for the demo. however, I did want the player to be able to see that there was more than just in the Mortuary. Thanks for playing!!

Thank you for answering!



like holy crepe good job!

also some of my files were missing in the start of the playthrough (my pc somehow fricked up something idk), but like I redownloaded it and it seemed to work alright :)!

anyways here's my experience of it! 

game starts at 1:41 and then 13:00 for when I redownloaded the game and it was fixed! :D


I’m really glad it worked out! Thank you for playing!


Absolutely loved it, thanks for the demo


Thanks for playing the demo! :D


WOW just wow.... I couldn't do my job 80% of the time because of paranormal activities. You have definitely improved the game tremendously from the previous version you did before. Cant wait to play the full release!!!!!


I appreciate that. It has changed a whole lot since the prototype. My goal was to expand on the feeling the prototype gave why going a lot deeper on what mechanics and story could be. The full game should be pretty detailed.


The new demo is a major step up I am seriously looking forward to this full release. great work.   


I’m looking forward to full release too haha!

let me know if you ever need voice acting done.


Amazing game, But i needed to call up DASHIE to finish it because this shet was TOO SCARY. 

You can tell a lot of hard work and love went into this game! With that being said, this was one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve ever played! Thank you for making this game and keep up the hard work! Spring 2022 can’t come soon enough! Adding to my wishlist! 


Отличный хоррор,жду релиза


[Gameplay en español]

EXCELLENT GAME!. Those jumpscares almost stopped my heart haha. I have the game on my wish list on steam! Good job :D


Another amazing game, can't wait to play the full thing! Screamed so loud I almost lost my voice, and a ghost made me drop my calculator... Great work!
(1 edit) (+1)

game had me so scared this is one of the best on the site 


I attempted to play this demo 3 times and it glitched out on me each time. Things happened before they were supposed to and then got stuck to were I could not advance. Could literally walk through the ghost lady without anything happening and the dead lady stayed outside forever looking in... This game has SO much promise and I want to see this do well. Please look into this!


When the body was outside looking in, did you go through the door leading back into the lobby where the front desk is? I’m just trying to pin point where you had your issue.

Could you not open that door or did the game freeze, etc.

As for walking through the lady. Which one and what location? Was this in the embalming room or in another location? Any information is helpful to figure out the problem. Thanks!

Eventually I did unlock the door after walking through the frozen shadow figure....with a fuse. I thought that was weird. I went outside in the rain and went right up to the corpse in the window. Nothing happened. Everything just remained as it is. I downloaded this from steam, btw. I'm goin to redownload it here and see if that may have been the issue since I've seen multiple lets plays that went smoothly.

Do you have the newest version? In 1.1.2 those issues should be fixed. I am also putting up the last demo update before going back into full production very soon here.

First time re-playing it:  

Second time:

This keeps happening. :(

This is incredible strange. I’ve seen this a few times now and I can’t seem to recreate it. What is your machine setup? I’m trying to pinpoint what it could be since I can’t seem to find it naturally. I’m sorry this is what you experienced.

Hello, i know this is the wrong post, but the demo has a glitch where you can't pick up the keys. I'm running windows 11 rn, steam is up to date, no folder corruption or anything. I reinstalled the game but to no luck. I mean... I'll buy it in a week lmao, but just thought you should know.


this was absolutely terrifying, but I cannot wait for 2022 :)

Thank you for playing!


This game just never stopped with the scares! I'm gonna power through the full game when it comes out, but holy crap! I couldn't even take 2 steps without being scared!! Great game!


Ha Awesome. Thank you for trying the demo out!


Haha of course! Looking forward to trying out the first game!! 




Best compliment I could get haha


Love that the scare triggers are not always the same great concept 10/10


Thank you!


This game scared the heck outta me! Can't wait for the full version!

This Is One of The Scariest Games I Have Ever Played ! A Really Good Game! 

what a brilliant demo. Terrifying gameplay (as can be seen by the thumbnail) and beautiful graphics. I look forward to the full release! Check out my video and subscribe if you enjoy 🙂

My god this was such a heartstopping DEMO! Well done!


Thank you!


Very scary game. I already find the job of a Mortician to be very spooky, so throw in superantural horror and I'm hiding my eyes. Can't wait to see more of it. Keep it up! 

(2 edits) (+2)

This game is scary!!! I really like this game keep it up 😎👍🏾💯 the ending jump scare got me lmao 😂  can’t wait for the full game


Loved revisiting this one! So many improvements! Great voice acting, great scares, ambiance and also so much variety in terms of scares! Excited for the full game!

great game! but i somehow broke the game? idk if im supposed to be able to open the back door near where you store the dead bodies or not, cause i tried using the "old key", got it open cause i was stuck at that one jumpscare where she stands at the window and just walk all the way back to the front door :') i can tell that i kind of broke the game since there was an invisible wall blocking me out? btw, the " old key" pretty much open any doors, including windows!


Yeah I have seen that bug. I have it fixed and will be doing an update to the demo probably tonight. Thanks for mentioning jt!


Great demo despite a few little frustrations! Looking forward to the full game! Game starts at 12:39.


The Update is Awsome ya'll !!!!!! I am excited to play the full version when it drops in spring next year  :)  . Only thing I would say is that the mechanics for operating the gurney could be helped in a future update or hotfix. Takes almost 2 or 3 full swipes on my desk pad to turn it around or moving left to right is a little off.  But I can say this, ya'll have worked your butts off, because this is so much more intense and story driven from the original demo I played back then. The first one was really badass don't get me wrong lol. But this has me so pumped for the full version to drop. Video coming soon to my channel. ( couldn't get it to upload here) 


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed it, the atmosphere, sound effects and concept are all great, this game has some really affective jumpscares as well, looking forward to the full game, great job :)


This game needs to be burned in fire for how scary it is

Loved playing it and cant wait for more, thanks for letting me play this game


Thank you for playing! I’m glad you liked it! :D


cant wait for 2022


I really enjoyed the first demo, but I absolutely LOVE this new playable teaser - it looks/plays great and is incredibly terrifying! The only small issue I had was navigating the gurney, but I suppose that is what dragging a gurney around by yourself would be like in the real world. From what I have seen so far, I think this game is gearing up to be the best horror game of 2022 and I cannot wait to play the full version. Excellent demo!


Thank you so much for the kind words. This stuff really means a great deal to me and keeps me pumped for completing the full game. I think spring is going to be fun :D


It looks really nice, though some more reaction from the main character might make her feel more like a real person, rather than just staying silent went encountering all these things. Plus some subtitles would be nice, but otherwise really excellent work.


Subtitles will be in the full version. You can see a tiny hint of the system when you first enter the mortuary. I simply haven’t gotten to stand the whole thing up yet but they will be there!

I chose specifically to not have a lot of reaction VO. I’ve always felt it breaks immersion to have the game tell you how you should be feeling. Instead, I opted for reactions from her that pertain to telling her story to the player and informational dialogue for the players benefit.

You don’t get tons of it in the demo but there is a lot of her story in the full game. I just have never liked when I play a game and the character has a reaction that is extremely strong to something the player may not feel is worth it. I’d rather have the player assume the reactions of the protagonist. May not be everyone’s cup of tea though and that’s understandable.

(1 edit) (+4)

10/10. Would embalm again. 
Honestly though, great job with the second demo. I was spooked a fair few times and it seems like I didn't see every scare either. After playing this I'm very hyped for the full game.


There are a good number in the demo and the haunt system chooses them and runs them based on your actions. So there is a good chance you did not see them all. There’s often something right behind you that if you don’t see it, will be removed and re-cycle back into the system for later use. If you re-play, the experience will be different. Not HUGELY different in the demo but in the full game it will be different story events, hauntings, bodies, and demon.


Are you sure you're not afraid to work here?


I had some issues rotating the gurney....although, this could have been my mouse? I also have a bad habit of picking up every object I see in horror games. As a result, I found myself unable to proceed because I had too many items and couldn't pick up what I needed to continue.

Either I couldn't figure out how to discard/use each item or this is just a small bug (which I'm sure will be patched for the release.) My derpy mistakes and potential bugs aside, this is absolutely fantastic.

The atmosphere, story, scares, voice acting,  environment, and game play are great. This is really awesome for a solo dev team. I can't wait for the full release!

(1 edit) (+3)

You can drop items in your inventory. If you press tab to view what you have and select an item, for most items, a drop button will appear under the description.


Thanks, glad to know I was just derping! 


I've never been this scared playing a game. The atmosphere is unmatched, the scares range from subtle to full blown jump scares, the environment is unsettling, and the story is mind bending. This feels and plays like a AAA title. I can't recommend this game enough.

Thank you so much!


Очень круто выглядит игра, поиграл, но мне нужен русский язык, чтобы получить больше удовольствия. )))


Hopefully I will get some translation done for the full launch! I’ve built the game to be easily translated.

Easy translation is not for me ))))

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